The Worshipful Master’s Book Club – Part I

This quarter the Worshipful Master will be hosting a webinar about the Academy of Masonic Knowledge, and outline some of the recommended reads for all participants. The topic of discussion will be in regard to, “The Builders“, by Joseph Fort Newton.

“The Builders” is a must-read for all masons, new and old; Joseph Fort Newton lays the foundations of Freemasonry in his writing of the History, Meaning and Philosophy of the craft. This book goes beyond our humble beginnings in 1717 and takes the reader on a journey back in time to where Freemasonry all began. “The Builders” is a clear text of not only the history and origins of Masonry, but the morals and structure of what the Fraternity means to all men – To be better, following the practices that define our religious foundations, and discovering our individual divinity.

Copies of this book may be borrowed from the Lodge Library, as well as the Grand Lodge Library, and is sold at many retail outlets.