MESSAGE FROM THE EAST: Brethren, for those of you who missed the September meeting the lodge majority voted to NOT SELL our statue of George Washington. The lodge then voted in favor of loaning George to Masonic Villages where it will be restored and displayed in an appropriate environment. I personally wanted to thank all the brethren who have worked so hard on what I feel is the best solution especially Brothers Nat Gilchrist and John Pyfer.

This month we will be holding our table lodge. Our stated meeting will begin at its normal time and table lodge will follow. Therefore, there will be no dinner before our meeting. Table lodge is held in the Entered Apprentice degree so please invite any brothers in our pipeline who have been entered. Please remember to register for our annual banquet to be held on Friday November 10th at the Hamilton Ballroom at Wheatland Place. The event starts with social hour and cash bar at 6:30 pm. This event is catered by the Greenfield Inn.