Due to the present conditions of the COVID-19 Virus outbreak, our Governor has mandated that no meetings or gatherings of more than 25 people are allowed. This is also dependent on the size of the gathering area and maintaining the 6 foot social distancing. This creates a challenge for our Lodge. The challenge is due to the fact that we normally have 60 or so Members present for our Stated Meetings. Therefore, there will not be a Stated Meeting in August. The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, by the Order of R.W. Grand Master Thomas Gamon, IV has given the PA Masonic Lodges the authority to pay bills and conduct all other necessary business that is needed to keep the Lodges operating through this crisis.
The R.W. Grand Master has directed the Masonic Districts and each Lodge to appoint safety committees to properly recommend safety practices be utilized for the PA Lodges to meet under the guidelines of the PADOH (Pennsylvania Department of Health) and CDC (Centers for Disease control).
These Safety Committees have been appointed and the Chairmen and Members are listed below. I have included in this campaign the safety guidelines that are in place currently. Please note the safety guidelines are a moving target and can be subject to change daily.
On August 1, 2020, the Lancaster Masonic Center suffered a sprinkler pipe event on the fourth floor in the West side of the Blue Lodge Room. Water flooded the area and leaked down through the floors of the building. The damage was contained and a restoration company was called in by the Masonic Center Board of Governors. The damage will most likely make the Masonic Center unusable for Meetings for several months. The damage is still being investigated. It was reported to me that the Lodge No. 43 property damage is mainly some furniture. Further information will be released as it becomes available.
Lodge No. 43 and its Officers wish the best for all our Members and their Families. Promoting the safety of our Members is our number one priority. We will continue to follow the advice of our District and Lodge Safety Committees as we move forward through this pandemic crisis.
If someone is in need of help, please contact me at:
or our Secretary at:
The Lodge No. 43 phone number (717) 316-0043 is now connected to a live answering system. The Lodge Secretary can now answer this phone if he is available. Leave a message if he is not available at the time of your call.
Lodge No. 43 has been and will continue to be proactive in its approach to communication during this time of pandemic. We are utilizing Zoom video chat meetings to keep the communications of our Officers and Committees open and continue to address Lodge business. The First District has also been using this form of communication with great success.
Please continue to use the safety guidelines set by the medical experts to prevent the spread of this terrible outbreak. Reach out to the other Members of our Lodge, check on them, and report to us so we can provide any help that is necessary.
Paul M. Allen
Worshipful Master
Lodge No. 43 F.& A.M.
Lancaster, PA