Message from the East August 2020


The times we are enduring are unprecedented. We can only imagine, given the length of our Lodge’s History, that Lodge No. 43 has had many difficult times. What we are experiencing right now has to be recognized as a difficult time. This Lodge has faced wars, political disputes, disease, and natural disasters. Brethren, we are living through a pandemic that cannot be ignored. There is a new definition of “what is safe?” Our safety can be jeopardized by breathing, touching or ingesting this invisible enemy. Our way conducting our everyday life has been interrupted.
Can I guarantee my Brothers safety? I have been struggling with this question a lot. As Worshipful Master, I must make difficult decisions that could affect the wellbeing of those who I truly care about. Should I have a Meeting and risk anyone with the exposure to this virus? This is a great question and I am not alone in the asking of it. I am following the direction of our Masonic Hierarchy. I will strive to provide the best environment possible to conduct our business.

Brethren, Be Safe


Paul M. Allen
Worshipful Master
Lodge No. 43 F. &A.M.