Brethren, there is a large amount of information in this notice, and the year is beginning to fill up with many exciting events. Please take the time to read the notice thoroughly. I look forward to seeing you at our March stated meeting. Our program for the evening will be an intriguing account of freemasonry around the world from Brother David Newall of Ephrata Lodge and the education will cover the 7 Liberal Arts. Please remember to bring a nonperishable food item to add to our food bank. Ladies night this year will be held at the escape room in Lancaster on Friday March 24th. Reservations are limited and cost $20 per person. Please see brother Junior Warden for details and reservations. Brethren do you now of a masonic widow? We will be honoring masonic widows in the month of April and are looking for names and contact information of women who have supported our dearly departed brothers. I look forward to seeing you all on March 8th for an evening of education and fellowship.