Brethren, I look forward to seeing you at our next stated meeting as we welcome Brother Larry A. Derr our District Deputy Grand Master along with Worshipful Masters of the first masonic district. The program will be honoring our 50, 60, and 70-year emblem of gold recipients. This year we have four 70 year members; simply unbelievable. Join me in celebrating these men who have given so many years to our fraternity. Please remember to bring a non-perishable food item to add to our food bank. Lodge No. 43 along with the rest of the lodges in district one will be donating our food bank to a local organization in June and December. Brethren, do you know of a Masonic widow? We will be honoring Masonic widows in the month of April and are looking for names and contact information of women who have supported our dearly departed brothers. Would you like to get more involved in the fraternity? We are currently looking for anyone who is available to assist the lodge with funeral services, committees of inquiry, mentoring, and guiding. Please be sure to contact our lodge secretary or sign up for your interest at the next stated meeting. I look forward to seeing you all on February 8th for an evening of celebration, education, and fellowship.