April 12, 2023 – Lodge No. 43 April Stated Meeting, held at the Lancaster Masonic Center, Lancaster, PA. The Masonic Fraternity has a long and proud history of brotherhood, charity, and truth. One of the hallmarks of this venerable organization is its commitment to recognizing and honoring members who have dedicated many years of their lives to its principles and ideals.
Lodge No. 43, District Deputy Grand Master Ronald B. Carson, PM, and the accompanying Worshipful Masters of the First Masonic District, celebrated the achievements of our brothers who have reached the milestone anniversaries of 50, 60, and 70 years of Masonic service. These men have demonstrated a steadfast commitment to their lodge, and have exemplified the values of our fraternity, leaving a lasting legacy that inspires us all.
Brother DDGM Ronald B. Carson, PM, and Worshipful Master Douglas A. Scheid presented the members with their Masonic Service awards. Brothers Lester H. Rhoads, Robert D. Miller Jr., and John F. Pyfer Jr. were honored with the 50-year service emblem of Gold. The following brothers were unable to attend the meeting but were recognized for their service: Brothers Amos K. Diener, Robert L. Keene (50 years), Brother Richard D. Sherr (60 years), and Brother Clyde D. Dubble (70 years).
The Masonic Fraternity is unlike any other. Its members are bound together by a shared commitment to moral and ethical principles, the importance of self-improvement, and a deep respect for mankind. Our long-serving brothers exemplify this commitment, who have dedicated themselves to living out these principles in their daily lives to the best of their abilities.
We are proud and honored to call these men Masons, and more importantly, Brothers.