The Masonic Charities represent the work of generations of Freemasons, all coming together to make a better world. The foundation on which each of the Masonic Charities stand: a foundation of love. By donating to the 2017 Annual Masonic Charities Fall Appeal, you help build the foundation for five varying charities. YOU build a foundation for the future. YOU build a foundation for success. YOU build a foundation for growth. YOU build a foundation for love. YOU build a foundation for support. We take care of our Masonic family with programs that help our most fragile family members age safely and give members of all ages a place to turn for relief at the Masonic Villages. We are champions of leading young men and women to reach their potential by investing in our Masonic youth groups through the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation. We have led the charge with equal access to education, security and support for every child in our Masonic Children’s Home, which provides healthy growth and development. We preserve, protect and share our Masonic heritage in our Masonic Temple and Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania. You can make your donation online by logging onto and clicking “Donate” and complete the form. Or, mail your contribution to: Masonic Charities Office of Gift Planning, One Masonic Dr. Elizabethtown, PA 17022