Brethren, I want to personally thank each and every one of our members for a wonderful year. This year has moved so quick I can hardly believe it’s over. I thoroughly and humbly enjoyed my time in the East and serving Lodge No. 43. Without our members and Officers, this year could not have been such a success. To list all that was accomplished this year would be an undertaking, but the highlights I’ve enjoyed most are: Hosting a well received Widow program, resolving our George Washington Statue and moving him to Masonic Villages, a wonderful Veteran’s Program, our Relay for Life participation, Lodge 43’s strong presence of award winners including the Grand Master’s award at Lodge in the Woods, and our anticipated presentation of the 2017 Travelling Gavel. Please come out to this Month’s installation of officers, and in January, to the receptions of the anticipated Junior Grand Warden, Larry A. Derr, and the First Masonic District’s District Deputy Grand Master, Ronald B. Carson. Lastly, I’d like to wish Senior Warden, Brother L. Kenneth Bray III, and his officers, the best of luck in 2018. I thank you all again for a wonderful year, and I wish you a wonderful Holiday season and Happy New Year. – Bro. Thomas J. Quinn, Worshipful Master.