Members and Guests are cordially invited to:
Lodge No. 43’s 233rd Annual Banquet
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Enjoy Hors d’oeuvres and Cocktail hour beginning at 5:30 pm. Cash Bar will be open from 6 pm until 9 pm. Soup, salad, and bread will kick off the evening. A lavish walking buffet will feature carving stations offering: Pasta, Chicken, Roast Beef, and Salmon. Enjoy whipped potatoes and assorted vegetables as sides. After a hearty meal, enjoy assorted desserts, as we join and rejoice in fellowship for another wonderful year of Freemasonry!
Cost $35 per Ticket with Reservations, $40 at the Door without Reservations
**Please RSVP to the Lodge Secretary no later than October 20, 2018**