Family Picnic June 25, 2017 Wheatland

First District Brothers; June 1863

The Confederate Army of General Robert E. Lee is fast approaching Wrightsville, intent upon claiming Lancaster County as a spoil of war. All available militia units have repaired to the banks of the Susquehanna where they stand to repel the invasion. There are no soldiers left to guard the residence of our late President, the Honorable Worshipful Brother James Buchanan, PM.

Lodge No 43, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, will hold an unofficial meeting (and family picnic) on the grounds of Wheatland, the home of Worshipful Brother Buchanan at the corner of President and Marietta Avenues west of Lancaster City where we will stand guard over our Past Master and Past District Deputy Grand Master.

To Arms
Sunday, June 25th, Two Thousand Seventeen
From One until Five O’clock
Near the Carriage House on the grounds of Wheatland
Family and friends are welcome.
Cost $10 per person.
(Under 12, free) (Masonic Widows, free)
(50 year Masons, free) (Civil War veterans, free)

Please RSVP with payment to: Glenn Knight  141 S. Spruce St.  Lititz, PA 17543

Or email prior to June 10th

Make Checks Payable to: Lodge No. 43, F&AM