Worshipful Master James M. Stephens

A Message from the Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 43

Well Met and Happy New Year,

Welcome to Lodge No. 43’s slice of the digital world. Let us know if you need any help as you surf our site. First, I want to thank the members of the lodge for entrusting me with the legacy of Lodge No. 43. It is impossible to articulate what it means to me to be elected to be Worshipful Master of this historic lodge. 203 different men have served as Worshipful Master Lodge No. 43. The list reads as a who’s who of Lancaster including war heroes, community leaders, and one President of the United States. It is humbling to walk in their footsteps. History aside, it is time for Lodge No. 43 to go back to work. Like much of the world, our normal functions have been disrupted and put on hold by COVID.

Activities returning for 2022:

  • The Past Master Association Dinner
  • The annual ladies event
  • Brother and President Buchanan graveside commemoration
  • Blood drives
  • Roadside hi-way clean up
  • Social events such as a poker fundraiser and PSU vs. Mich. viewing party
  • Visitation of Sunbury Lodge No. 22
  • In addition to bringing back some dormant activities, we have a full calendar of meetings. Meetings will include speakers on several interesting topics. Some of the highlights are:

  • Empty Chair Ceremony
  • WWII
  • First Responder Recognition
  • DeMolay flower talk
  • Veteran Recognition
  • Various masonic topics
  • Please join us at our meetings and events. If you are not a mason, please contact us to find out what it takes to become a brother of the craft.

    James M. Stephens, Worshipful Master, Lodge No. 43 F. & A.M.